At this point, pick to light (PTL) electronic shelf labeling is also used for warehouse management. General electronic shelf label can be set in the elevated, roadway stacking crane, stacking robot, AGV car and other automation equipment, and OMS, WMS, WCS and other systems connected. Because of the passive characteristic of the label, the data can be displayed in real time when the equipment is running, and the data can be checked and proofread during the running process, which can reduce the workload of the management personnel and personnel. Cost and effectively improve the accuracy of warehouse data.
The main focus of warehouse automation management is operation automation, data accuracy, process efficiency, and PTL digital price tag only plays a very important role in the data part. It has the characteristics of long service life, passive display, strong port compatibility and simple installation. Suitable for warehouse automation management.
Under the impact of COVID-19, the upgrade and application of warehouse automation management is particularly important for the current situation of enterprises. Even in the absence of an epidemic, automated management is a necessity for enterprise supply chain development and transformation. PTL electronic price tag is only the core part of the application of warehouse data management. It can effectively relieve the pressure of personnel shortage, improve management efficiency and speed up the process of automatic management in enterprises.